5 Ways to be More Productive.

Here are 5 ways to be more productive. (Coming from someone who struggles with productivity).

Being productive is not something that comes naturally to me. Sure I have days where I get a ton of stuff done but it’s never planned and it’s always me putting off a more important task(s). So I’ve compiled my 5 favourite tips that help me be more productive and hopefully, they help you too.

1. Write your list and stick to it!

I am a classic example of writing 15 things I need to do in the day and only ever completing 2 or 3. Today, I wrote down a list of 9 things I needed to get done… I only completed 3. I was fully capable of completing the list but I chose to do other things with my time, less important things and not finish the tasks I set myself with. Being motivated to get things done is completely different to being disciplined enough to actually complete it.

2. Allocated time to complete your tasks.

Sometimes I tell myself what time I’m doing a task and for how long. For example, if I’m writing a new post I’ll allocate two hours to it. I’ll write down that I’m going to start at 2, therefore finish at 4. From there I can plan the rest of my day around it. I try to schedule out my days as I work two jobs so free time can be a bit limited between the two. When I have a day off I’ll make a plan of how many things I want to get done (my list!) and then I’ll divide the time between all of the tasks.

3. Choose the biggest task first.

The biggest task is always the last thing I want to do, but once they’re done I always feel so much better about ticking off the remaining tasks. So I’ll try and complete the biggest task first. Like writing a new post, putting my washing on, changing my sheets or even mowing my grandma’s lawn. This way I feel like I have so much more time to finish my tasks.

4. Remember there is always another day.

Something to remember is that there is always another day. There is always more time. So if I don’t finish my list or I don’t get around to finishing a task. I know I can finish it first the next day, usually, it is first on the list. Sometimes things just don’t go to plan, and that’s okay!

5. Get a good sleep.

My last tip for being more productive is getting a good sleep. Starting your day right is the most important step in being more productive. At least 8 hours a night of good restful sleep is one of the best things you can do. Whether it’s to be able to wake up a little bit earlier or to feel more productive during the day. Sleeping thing is the most restorative thing for your mind. Without sleep we can’t manage anything let alone be productive from day to day.

Now I’m not a perfect person, not every day is perfect and not every day looks like this. But there is always another day for me to try again. I’m not a perfect person, although I try to be the best me possible. Sometimes we all need a gentle reminder that it’s okay to not be perfect and productive and on top of it all the time. Sure it might be possible for a little while but it’s not healthy to maintain forever, it’s almost impossible to maintain forever.

These 5 tips help me to be more productive every day. Try them out and let me know how they worked for you!