Why you shouldn’t have a New Year’s resolution in 2024.

Why you shouldn’t have a New Year’s resolution in 2024.

New year new beginnings. That’s what we all think right? This year I’ll be a new person. I’m going to change my life and this time I’m going to stick to it.

Sometimes it works… Most of the time it doesn’t.

That’s my experience anyway. However for the last few years instead of setting a New Year’s resolution I set four goals for the new year. Achievable goals that I can accomplish.

For example, instead of saying I’m going to go to the gym 5 times a week and eat better and I’m going to stop drinking and start reading more and listening to podcasts and finally start the business I’ve always wanted to do. I’m going to set four goals; one for my body, mind, soul and one to make money. This way breaking down these four goals into attainable steps is a lot easier than trying to manage a ‘everything all at once’ resolution.

My goals:

Body: Recover from my knee injury and be more active.

Mind: Read 12 Self Help books this year.

Soul: Start doing yoga and practice mindful meditation.

Make Money: Work my butt off on my blog and start an Etsy shop.

Now to break them down.

Body: Keep going to physiotherapy and go for a 10-minute walk everyday.

Mind: Instead of scrolling on my phone before bed I’ll pick up a book and read for 10 minutes.

Soul: Follow a guided yoga session on Youtube once a week and use the Healthy Minds app when I wake up in the morning.

Make Money: Treat my blog like a full-time job. Swap out some downtime for work on my blog. Research into Digital products to sell on Etsy, play into trends and start creating.

Most people who set a New Year’s resolution give up after a few months, (I know this because I used to be like this too). As a result of having an ‘all at once’ mindset, a resolution can burn you out before you even begin.

In saying this, it won’t be easy (sadly). It will be hard. There will be days when doing anything feels impossible. So, absolutely it will be hard, but it will be worth it. Having the discipline to put your goals in the forefront and actively working to accomplish them is worth it. Another year won’t be wasted where you wished you’d put that tiny bit more effort in.

So this year consider changing that New Year’s resolution to a set of goals to work toward.

With Love,

The Lovely being.